Di., 18. Dez. 2012

Rokko Ramirez rotzt (28te Ausgabe)

How to enttarn a Geheimagent

And Verhindering that the hole EU is infiltrated in three lessons.

Was derzeit in den Gerichtssäälen Österreichs vor sich geht ist unglaublich. Zumindest für den das verbrutzelte Durchschnittsgehirn. Geheimagenten haben die Lage schon längst gepeilt und die Fallen gerochen. Sollten sie noch keiner sein, Ernst Strasser; Kenner und Jäger aller Geheimagenten lehrt uns, wie man sie erwischt.


As a member of the EU parliament it´s easy to Fallenstellen to catch foreign agents egal if they are tarned or not, even if they come up to you having an interesting Vorschlag to increase your Einkommen. 100.000 Euro Zusatzincome are there no Seltenheit then. In the year, wohlgemerkt! You only have to befolg following three lessons:

Chapter One – First Contact

Meet with this windigen persons in a very unknow restaurant. Talk about the Wetterlage first – this makes them build belief in you. Talk abaout flight distance and give yourself out as the son of a little farmer, who is very careful abaout his body. Say that you don´t drink alcohol – this makes you more authentic at all. Also Fasching (this is when children make makerade) is a popular Thema. Their Vertrauen will be guaranteed.

Chapter Two – The Deal

Bezeichne Brussels as a mistake or zumindest because you are there. Tell all that it´s no proble, to make influence to the Gesetzgebung in european parliament. Your secretary will sned emails to all opinion leaders for Richtlinienbehandlung. From Chef to Chef quasi. Code: Abänderungsantrag.

Put pressure on them as much as you can – if Fristen are already expired, then put more pressure on them. Never die Flinte ins Korn werfen, there is always something to save.

Chapter Three – The Gerichtsprozess

Sure people won´t understand that it is very hard to enttarn Geheimagenten, they are schließlich british and washed with all waters. Anyway, don´t worry, at austrian courts they have Schrott Anlagen – your Geheimsprache will not be identified, that´s clear and of course you are lobbyist.

The Process will last sowieso several months, so you have time enough to push everything some others in the shoes. Why do all people think, they can find something ungesetzlich against YOU, as you only tried to enttarn some Geheimagenten! A frontrunner has to make unpopular decisions. Journalists as Geheimagenten? All a Schmäh? Uneblievable, but that´s the crazy truth. Praise the Lord!


Verdammt spannend. Ein Thriller allererster Güte. Spionagearbeit mit Metaebenen. Vielleicht werden in Jahrzehnten Computer die Geheimsprache dieser undurchsichtigen Video-Protokolle knacken? Die Welt wäre begeistert von dieser noch nie dagewesenen Enthüllungsgeschichte. Ich glaube eher, alles bleibt weiterhin im Dunkeln verborgen. Leider mein voller ERNST!

Euer Rokko