Group exhibition / analog photography curated by Hanna Teglasy 30.06. – 15.07. 2023
Photon Gallery , Zieglergasse 34, 1070 Vienna
This exhibition showcases various perspectives on failed works. Have you ever really failed? With a focus on analog photography, Hanna Teglasy gathers works by young and emerging artists. “We love to see you fail” highlights the beauty of failed photography. The wrong moment.The wrong aperture.The finger in front of the lens.The mistake while developing negatives.The car running over the camera and triggering the shutter. Instead of gathering dust in an archive or yellowing in a trash can, the works are given a framework that focuses on their failure.The artists present their best failed works and show how they failed. The mistake-makers: CANSU TANDOGAN FELIX DUERLER SAMMY BERMUDEZ AHMAD BADARO NICOLE BRANDSTAETTER JONAS HOESCHL FYNN FIX ANDRAS FULOP VIYAN KALAYCI LUCAS BIHLER ANTON MAYER TOBIAS WENDT MOSHE ZOLL DANIEL WENDT AYLIN SCHEER VERNISSAGE : 30.06.202316-22 Afterparty —> @pit.stop___ i want to see you there flyer by @lmerlel & @rayknoah