Waves Vienna 2019 Music Festival & Conference
WUK Währingerstrasse 59, 1090 WienGewinne 2 x 2 Karten
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Teilnahmeschluss: 23. September 2019

[O] (UA)
AlIi Neumann (DE)
Fox & Bones (US) – Rola Music Night
Friedberg (AT)
Hayley Reardon (US) – Rola Music Night
Ikan Hyu (CH)
International Music (DE) – popNRW
Ivan & The Parazol (HU)
Juicy (BE)
Keke (AT)
Linn Koch-Emmery (SE)
Long Tall Jefferson (CH)
Manx (SE)
Mark Peters (UK) – Rola Music Night
Matija (DE) – BY-ON
Mayberian Sanskülotts (HU)
Middlemist Red (HU)
Mola (DE) – BY-ON
Platon Karataev (HU) – INES#talent
Rebecca Lou (DK)
Sladek (AT)
Sabina (IL)
Sasha Boole (UA)
Soia (AT) – INES#talent
Strandhase (AT)
Telquist (DE) – BY-ON
The Qualitons (HU)
The Screenshots (DE) – popNRW
Tik Tu (UA)
To Be We (DE) – BaWü
Two Year Vacation (SE)
Worth (US) – Rola Music Night
Zalagasper (SI) – INES#talent
Stay tuned for some more surprises in the next few month!
Waves Vienna is the city’s first club- and showcase festival. In autumn Vienna’s most significant clubs, unique off-locations, and the public space will merge into the site of the Waves Vienna Festival.
Waves Vienna’s motto is „East meets West“; numerous international alternative, electronic, rock, and club acts will be performing around Vienna’s 9th district. Additionally, local artists and sophisticated musicians from Eastern Europe form an essential part of the festival’s programme.
This year, Waves Vienna will welcome again two very special countries as special guests: Hungary and Sweden! True to the motto “East Meets West”, there will be a focus on acts from these countries in the live programme. The Waves Vienna Music Conference will furthermore devote a part of its programme to the respective music markets and scenes of both countries.
The Waves Vienna Music Conference constitutes a part of the festival and offers the possibility to attend lectures and panels and participate in workshops. The subject-specific programme will deal with the topic „East meets West“, which will serve as the basis and inspiration for many years of pan-European cooperation.
Date 26 – 28. SEP. 2019
Venues t.b.a. (Festival & Conference Centre @ WUK)
111 x Super Early Bird Festival Pass € 15
555 x Early Bird Festival Pass € 25
Early Bird Festival Pass € 35
from 16. May: Festival Pass € 47
from 1. August: Festival Pass € 55
Walk up Rate / Box Office: Festival Pass € 62
Conference Ticket € 40 / 55 / 65
Pro Pass (Conferen & Festival) € 65 / 99 / 115
Find all details and categories here: www.wavesvienna.com/ticketing