Rock Night
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Teilnahmeschluss: 11. Juni 2024
A band from Znojmo, South Moravia that was searching for the short time of its existence for the dirty sound in the dark nooks and crannies of a basement and even darker nooks and crannies of a garage, where they finally found it. Identification and placement in genre is what they still lack finding, but they are usually pigeonholed as some sort of post-punk, partly noise and surf kinda.
“Can I Say brings us a piece of ponderous rock and roll (…) The band’s favored arrangement for catchy verses and heavy-hitting choruses leaves this track as no exception, as the instrumentation reflects a complex thought process that spans every emotion under the sun.” Buffablog Feature, NY, USA
Heute bewegen sich Anna Absolut musikalisch inmitten von Punk und Indie: die Gitarren schwirren zwischen effektgetriebenen Sounds und knallharten Riffs hin und her und Bass/Schlagzeug bilden eine rhythmische Einheit. In den deutschsprachigen Texten werden einerseits lebensbejahende und andererseits sozialkritische Töne angeschlagen.