Sonntag März


Flex Donaukanal/Augartenbrücke, 1010 Wien

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Einlass: 19:00 Uhr Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
  • Vorverkauf 29.00

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Teilnahmeschluss: 14. März 2024

Normandie am 17. March 2024 @ Flex.


Set in a not-too-distant and – crucially – not-at-all-unrealistic future, Normandie’s fourth album, ‘Dopamine’ finds the band asking two unsettling questions: what if we pushed our brains and bodies far beyond their limits?

And what if we already are?

On their follow-up to 2021’s ‘Dark & Beautiful Secrets’, Philip, Håkan and Anton tackle the overstimulation of modern life head-on, and answer some hefty questions with some even bigger songs to produce a devastating, clinic example of everything a modern rock band should be.