Samstag Oktober

horny monkeys

Café Carina Josefstädter Straße 84, 1080 Wien
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
horny monkeys am 26. October 2024 @ Café Carina.

horny monkeys



Horny Monkeys are a bunch of weird friends trying to make music somewhere between „Kuschelrock“ and „Dubstep“ like Bloodhound Gang. We obviously met each other by accident. Our bass guitar player was discovered at a highway parking lot in Prague beside his truck playing flute with his family and friends. While partying in our hometown in Austria a black guy got wasted with us. We thought that a black guy is good with long sticks, so we made him our drummer. The keyboard is played by one of the most famous e-piano builders from all over the world, Mozart. As a wild group of friends we thought we needed a boss, so we got our singer. We found our guitarist lurking around near a liquor store in a school district. And last but not least our monkey. We rescued him from an abandoned make up labouratory, probably thats why he is into pink.

Our main goal, as a band, is to give you the most unforgetable live expirience you ever had in your live. „You are hungry“ „You are thirsty“ be our guest. We have everything you haven’t seen in a live performance yet.

Fuck off (ape) and get a ticket!

„It’s like a car accident! You don’t want to watch it, but can’t turn your head away!“ Male victim from our first live set

„The greatest live show ever seen!!! Got a grilled sausage and a free funel full of beer!“ Female victim of one of our live set’s