Von 26
Donnerstag April
Bis 27
Freitag April
Forward Festival Vienna 2018
Gartenbaukino Parkring 12, 1010 WienGewinne 1 x 2 Karten
Letzte Chance ... vorbei! Dieses Gewinnspiel ist bereits vorüber. Die glücklichen Gewinner wurden per E-Mail benachrichtigt.
Teilnahmeschluss: 23. April 2018
Forward brings together the best international and local creative heads, who provide insights into their success stories in an exciting atmosphere. The conference, the centerpiece of the festival, is accompanied by various side events, such as workshops, live art sessions and networking events.
The idea behind Forward is to create a festival where the creative community can exchange opinions, inspire and learn from each other. Our core ambition is to bring each other’s ideas, projects and goals FORWARD.