Gewinne 2 x 2 Karten
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Teilnahmeschluss: 09. April 2014
_S A L O N_
- ZIMMER (Discotexas || Paris)
- SLACK HIPPY (FM4 La boum de luxe)
- Computerstraße (Geburtstagskind)
- Maaverick
- Kidkut
- Visuals by:
- Kåjā Kø (Fairlight Club)
_C A F E_
- hosted by Out of focus
- Dze
- Laho (Geburtstagskind)
- LexoO
- Motkii
- Scirox
- ++++very special guest++++
After listening to Zimmer’s releases & following his monthly mix series for a while now, we knew what we had to do. Et voila – the pineapple express stops in Vienna real soon! We are 150% sure this cocktail of tropical elements, groovy basslines and catchy melodies will make you girls and boys dance until the sun rises. Supported by yours truly plus our favourite hippy. Dont slack!