Coded Cultures Festival Party
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Teilnahmeschluss: 21. September 2011
Die Packages beeinhalten folgendes: Gratis Eintritt, 1 Programmbuch, 1 Plan, 1 Poster, 1 Flyer, 1-Schnauzmeister-Krawatte, 1 Sticker
Sixtus Preiss (Viennese Soulfood)
Cid Rim (Affine Records, Fluxuskompensator)
Beppo Ton
Franz ‚Jazzin‘ Otto
Das Festival Coded Cultures 2011 lädt ins Badeschiff. Das genre-übergreifende Line-Up aus schon angesagten und weiterhin aufstrebenden Artists verspricht Euch eine spritzige und interessante Nacht. Kommet, Tanzet und Vergnüget! Event:
Sixtus Preiss
While some consider Sixtus Preiss‘ music an insider’s tip, it stands out through it’s originality and a nevertheless strong sense for the prevalent zeitgeist. It catches your ears easily and twinkle-toed in one moment, and in the next surprises you with an exceptional infatuation with the possibilities of sound. There’s a lot to be discovered in the universe of Sixtus Preiss, who also as a drummer astonishes the listener with his versatility and skill.
Cid Rim
The world of Cid Rim circles around the boundless magic and mythical formulas of funk. When speaking of his influences and musical socialisation, the producer and drummer of JSBL inevitably ends in the 70ies of the past century. Through constant exchange with his band colleagues Dorian Concept and The Clonious he sharpened his producer skills and also pushed forward into hiphop and experimental electronica.
Beppo Ton (aka Sebastian Lehner)
As a member of the the viennese underground association ‚Schonbrunner Techno‘, Beppo Ton is pushing things forward and tries to spread the vibe wherever he can. Performing as a Dj he reflects a modern interpretation of electronic dancemusic – as a Live-Act he presents sound entertainment on a high level combined with comatose surprise effects for all free listeners and dancers of the world. A mixture of sensual Techsounds, vibrant Minimal-House and shiny Tech-Pop.
Max Zeller (aka Moogle)
Max Zeller aka Moogle’s musical career began as DJ and event host in Vienna in 2005. As DJ, everything from reeled up Minimal to resolute Techno and ultra deep and soulful House is included in his repertoire. Moogle has worked with the complete set of renowned clubs and hosts in and around Austria (Pratersauna, Fluc Wanne, Fm4, Flex, etc.) and he became a Resident-DJ of famous internet-radio RTS.FM in the beginning of 2011. However, his first release is already out: Moogle & Laminat – Laundromat.
Coded Cultures
Vom 21. – 25. September 2011 werden thematische Fokustage abgehalten, die als Kernzone den Donaukanal, Veranstaltungsorte im 2. Wiener Gemeindebezirk, das MuseumsQuartier Wien, die Urania, das Badeschiff und das Odeon bespielen. Vom 26. – 30. September 2011 liegt der Schwerpunkt auf Workshops, Präsentationen und Vorträgen. Kooperationspartner sind u.a. die Transmediale Berlin, Media Lab Prado Madrid, Enter Festival Prag und das Amber Festival Istanbul. Am 1. Oktober endet das Festival mit der Langen Nacht der Museen und einer großen Abschlussveranstaltung am Badeschiff in Kooperation mit dem WAVES Festival Wien.
Details zum Programm finden sich auf:
Coded Cultures wurde 2004 von der von Medienkünstlern geleiteten Organisation gegründet und beschäftigt sich in Veranstaltungsserien und experimentellen Formaten mit den Schnittmengen von zeitgenössischer Kunst, Medien, neuen Technologien und deren Auswirkung auf Kultur und Gesellschaft.