Donnerstag Juli

Ani. D - Music Show

G5 Live-Music-Bar Heiligenstädter Straße 31, U-Bahnbogen 217, 1190 Wien
Einlass: 19:30 Uhr Beginn: 20:30 Uhr
  • Vorverkauf 14.00
  • Abendkassa 17.00

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Exklusives Gewinnspiel für CLVB Mitglieder!
Teilnahmeschluss: 02. Juli 2024

Ani. D - Music Show am 4. July 2024 @ G5 Live-Music-Bar.

Experience a Night of Ani.D Music Show at G5 Live Music Bar, Vienna!Immerse yourself in the vibrant sounds of 70’s disco, soul and funk classics. Enjoy heartfelt Indian tunes from Ani.D’s childhood and be captivated by his original compositions that range from gentle whispers to powerful crescendos.