Dienstag Juli


WUK Währingerstrasse 59, 1090 Wien

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Einlass: 19:00 Uhr

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Exklusives Gewinnspiel für CLVB Mitglieder!
Teilnahmeschluss: 27. Juni 2025

Anavitória am 1. July 2025 @ WUK.

ANAVITÓRIA is a Brazilian pop musical duo formed by Ana Caetano and Vitória Falcão. Originally from Tocantins, a state in the northern region of Brazil, they began their career in 2015 and quickly captivated the Brazilian audience with poetic lyrics about love and self-discovery. Four highly successful original albums have solidified them as one of the leading names in the new generation of Brazilian music. Winners of four Latin Grammy Awards, twice in the „Best Portuguese Language Song“ category and twice for „Best Portuguese Language Pop Album“, ANAVITÓRIA continues to document their journey without being tied to a single style.