* Ermäßigte Tickets für Raiffeisen Kontoinhaber

Raiffeisen Wien Events
Dienstag September

Baby Lasagna

Raiffeisen Halle im Gasometer Guglgasse 8, 1110 Wien
Ermäßigte Tickets:

auf shop.raiffeisenbank.at und allen Raiffeisenbanken in NÖ und Wien mit oeTicket-Verkauf. Mit 10% Ermäßigung als Raiffeisen Kontoinhaber.

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Einlass: 19:30 Uhr

Gewinne 1 x 2 Karten

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Exklusives Gewinnspiel für CLVB Mitglieder!
Teilnahmeschluss: 21. September 2024

Baby Lasagna am 24. September 2024 @ Raiffeisen Halle im Gasometer.

Baby Lasagna is a Croatian pet project born out of songwriters need for artistic expression that let’s him write without clients sometimes strict genre limitations. Lasagna’s experience in writing for different type of artists allows him to blend absolute incompatible genres and create absurde audio concoctions that are catchy and exciting. While listening to Baby Lasagna it won’t take long before you notice a introvert hiding behind loud and outing persona. His „don’t take yourself too seriously“ approach to music will make you laugh and smile. At the same time, the duality of generic beats and thought provoking lyrics will make you think and explore today’s social climate.