Do., 14. Apr. 2016

Palace Winter: Neue Single 'H.W. Running'

Exklusive Songpremiere

Klarer Synthie Pop, atmosphärische Vocals, verspielte Arrangements und heitere Akustikgitarren – das sind Carl Coleman und Caspar Hesselager, besser bekannt als Palace Winter. Ihre neue Single ‚H.W. Running‘ gibt’s jetzt exklusiv auf!

VOLUME präsentiert ‚H.W. Running‘, den neuen Song von Palace Winter. Was die zwei Musiker hinter dieser Band dazu sagen? Hier die Antwort(en) – danach einfach selbst ein Hörbild davon machen…
Carl Coleman :
‚An up-tempo banger where we sort of just turned it everything up to 10. We wanted to flip the record and then just take off again. H.W. is the young boy from There Will Be Blood. P.T Anderson’s films sort of define what we want to achieve with our music; widescreen epics where every frame looks like a photo.‘

Caspar Hesselager:
‚This is definitely us filling the the entire canvas and having a lot of fun doing it. I did the epic synth-solo when Carl was away,  and when I played it to him, I said ‘I’m not sure you’re gonna like this’! Luckily he did though, and then basically came up with  the vocal part that comes after it on the spot. That turned out to be one of my favorite moments on the album.‘